演艺资源-B-box、rap歌手厦门B-box、rap歌手B-box、rap singer 虫二/CUBEAT 原名 李阳 年龄: 21 杭州人 2009.上海国际BEATBOX BATTLE大赛总冠军 2010 北京电视台环球春晚特邀表演嘉宾 曾与世界DMC DJ冠军 DJ FLY 同台演出 曾与澳大利亚 DMC 6届DJ冠DJSTANLEY 各地巡回演出 曾与世界第一BEATBOXER KILLA KELA 同台演出 曾与新加坡DMC 冠军 DJ INQUISITIVE 同台演出 曾被《都市周报》《城市假日周刊》多次邀请专访。 曾为MUSE .M2. PARK97. 元旦做跨年演。 曾被邀请到 2009年第一期《爱唱才会赢》特邀表演嘉宾。 曾为 李玖哲 歌友会 特邀表演嘉宾。 曾为 韩国歌手蔡研歌友会被邀请为开场表演嘉宾。 曾为 长沙MIKY CLUB 做特别表演嘉宾巡回演出。 曾为 中国2009新丝路乐卡克时尚盛典 特邀演出嘉宾。 曾为LEVI’ S 嘻哈街舞比赛 邀请为 评委 以及表演嘉宾。 曾被FM91.4 西湖之声 特约采访。 曾被杭州电视生活频道邀请拍摄BEATBOX宣传片。 等等。。 The second /CUBEAT formerly known as Li Yang age: 21 people in Hangzhou 2009 Shanghai international BATTLE BEATBOX Championship 2010 Beijing TV Spring Festival invited guest performers around the world DMC DJ has worked with the world champion DJ FLY with me. Had a tour with the Australian DMC 6 DJ crown DJSTANLEY around the show With the world's first BEATBOXER KILLA KELA with me.With the Singapore DMC champion DJ INQUISITIVE with me. Had been "City Weekly", "City Weekly" repeatedly invited to interview. Was invited to sing in 2009 the first phase of "love will win" guest performers. Nicky Lee was the song friend invited guest performers. Have Yange Korean singer Cai friends was invited to perform at the opening. Changsha CLUB MIKY has done special show guests tour. Have Chinese 2009 new music Kark Fashion Festival invited guest artists. Hangzhou TV live channel has been invited to shoot BEATBOX promotional film. Wait。。 |